Dr. Jonathan Fitzsimon

Dr. Jonathan Fitzsimon is a family physician practicing community-based family medicine in Renfrew County, Ontario. His research aims to provide policy makers with evidence of the impact of lack of access to primary care (particularly the duration of unattachment), barriers to accessing primary care, and the use of virtual care as a means of improving access to primary care in rural, remote and underserved communities. 

Dr. Fitzsimon graduated from Sheffield University Medical School (U.K.) in 2007 and worked for two years as a hospital physician in the National Health Service. From 2009 – 2010 he worked as a volunteer physician in Oruro, Bolivia, before returning to the U.K. to complete the General Practice Specialty Training Program. He moved to Ontario in 2014. In 2020, he was appointed as medical lead of the Renfrew County virtual triage and assessment centre (VTAC), medical lead of the Integrated Virtual Care (IVC) program and assistant professor at the University of Ottawa, Department of Family Medicine. He is a clinician researcher at the Institut du Savoir Montfort and was previously chief of medicine at Arnprior Regional Health.  

Dr. Fitzsimon was the recipient of the Ontario Medical Association’s 2021 Glenn Sawyer Service Award.