TUTOR-PHC Patient & Community Engagement in Primary Health Care Research Fellowship

This is a Call for Applications for the TUTOR-PHC’s third cohort of Patient & Community Engagement in Primary Health Care Research Fellowships for current (2024-25) Ontario-based TUTOR-PHC trainees interested in learning skills for engaging patients and community partners in primary health care research.

  • Successful applicants will be linked with SPOR entities such as the SPOR National Training Entity (Passerelle).
  • Being a recipient of other grants/research fellowships does not preclude a trainee from holding this award.
  • Financial support up to $12,500 maximum per fellowship is available.
  • Duration of the award will be the TUTOR-PHC program year.

Completed applications should be emailed to Priya Garg, TUTOR-PHC Program Coordinator by email priya.garg@schulich.uwo.ca by June 19th, 2024.