Knowledge Products


Publications 2025

  • Fitzsimon J, Cronin S, Gayowsky A, St-Amant A, Bjerre L.M. Assessing the impact of attachment to primary care and unattachment duration on healthcare utilization and cost in Ontario, Canada: a population-based retrospective cohort study using health administrative data. BMC Primary Care 2025 26:72. Published 17March2025;

Publications 2024

  • Mathews M, Ryan D, Deslauriers V, Moritz L R, Xiao J, Breton M, Green M E, Isenor J E, Marshall E G, Buote R, Meredith L, Smithman M A, Ashcroft R, Bowles S, Guénette L, Lawrence L, Martin-Misener R, McCarthy LM, McDougall B, Mooney M, Morrison B, Murphy A and Stringer K. Care-seeking experiences of unattached patients in the Canadian health care system. Canadian Family Physician June 2024, 70 (6) 396-403; DOI:
  • Shuldiner J, Green ME, Kiran T, Khan S, Frymire E, Moineddin R, Kerr M, Tadrous M, Nowak DA, Kwong JC, Hu J, Witteman HO, Hamilton B, Bogoch I, Marshall LJ, Ikura S, Bar-Ziv S, Kaplan D, Ivers N. Characteristics of primary care practices by proportion of patients unvaccinated against SARS-CoV-2: a cross-sectional cohort study. CMAJ April 08, 2024 196 (13) E432-E440;

Publications 2023

  • Aggarwal M, Kokorelias KM, Glazier RH, Katz A, Shiers-Hanley JE, & Upshur REG. (2023). What is the role of primary care in the COVID-19 vaccine roll-out and the barriers and facilitators to an equitable vaccine roll-out? A rapid scoping review of nine jurisdictions. BMJ Open, 13(4), e065306. 
  • Bayoumi I, Glazier RH, Jaakkimainen L, Premji K, Kiran T, Frymire E, Khan S, Green ME. Trends in attachment to a primary care provider in Ontario, 2008–2018: an interrupted time-series analysis. CMAJ Open. 2023;11(5):E809-E819.
  • Grady C, Han H, Kim DH, Corderre-Ball AM, Alam N. Family physicians collaborating for health system integration: a scoping review. BMC Health Services Research. 2023;23:68.
  • Hakimjavadi R, Karunananthan S, Fung C, et al. (2023). Using electronic consultation (eConsult) to identify frailty in provider-to-provider communication: A feasibility and validation study. BMC Geriatrics, 23(1), 136.  
  • Lapointe-Shaw L, Salahub C, Austin PC, Bai L, Bhatia RS, Bird C, Glazier RH, Hedden L, Ivers NM, Martin D, Shuldiner J, Spithoff S, Tadrous M, Kiran T. Virtual Visits with Own Family Physician Versus an Outside Family Physician and Emergency Department Use. JAMA Network Open. 2023.
  • Premji K, Green M, Glazier RH, et al. Characteristics of patients attached to near-retirement family physicians: a population-based serial cross-sectional study in Ontario, Canada. BMJ Open. 2023;0:e074120.
  • Walter G, Jeimy S, Liddy C, Guglani S, Ellis AK, Blair A, Kobayaa H, Chad Z, & Keely E. (2023). Utility of eConsults for COVID-19 Vaccine-Related Concerns in Ontario: A Cross-Sectional Analysis. Allergy, Asthma & Clinical Immunology, 38 (2023).  

Publications 2022

  • Dahrouge S, Gauthier AP, Durand F, Lemonde M, Saluja K, Kendall C, Premji K, Presseau J, Chomienne MH, Toal-Sullivan DA, Timony P, Perna A, & Prud’homme D. (2022). Primary care based navigation services to support access to health and social resources: The Access to Resources in the Community (ARC) Model. International Journal of Integrated Care, 22(4):13. doi: 10.5334/ijic.6500 
  • Mathews M, Ryan D, Hedden L, Lukewich J, Marshall EG, Brown JB, Gill PS, McKay M, Wong E, Wetmore SJ, Buote R, Meredith L, Moritz L, Spencer S, Alexiadis M, Freeman TR, Letto A, Sibbald SL, & Terry AL. (2022). Family physician leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic: Roles, functions and key supports. Leadership in Health Services, 35(4), 707-720. 
  • Terry AL, Stewart M, Ashcroft R, Brown JB, Burge F, Haggerty J, McWilliam C, Meredith L, Reid GJ, Thomas R, Wong ST, & the TUTOR-PHC Program Investigators/Mentors. (2022). Complex skills are required for new primary health care researchers: A training program responds. BMC Medical Education, 22(1), 565. 

Publications 2021

  • Jaakkimainen L, Bayoumi I, Glazier R, Premji K, Kiran T, Khan S, Frymire E, & Green M. (2021). Development and validation of an algorithm using health administrative data to define patient attachment to primary care providers. Journal of Health Organization and Management, Journal of Health Organization Management, 2021 Jul 26;ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print):733-743. doi: 10.1108/JHOM-05-2020-0171 
  • Liddy C, Singh J, Mitchell R, Guglani S, & Keely E. (2021, October). How one eConsult Service is addressing emerging COVID-19 questions. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, May-Jun;35(3):601-604. doi: 10.3122/jabfm.2022.03.210264 
  • Premji K, Sucha E, Glazier RH, Green ME, Wodchis WP, Hogg WE, Kiran T, Frymire E, Freeman T, & Ryan B. (2021). Correlation of primary care bonus payments with patient-reported access in urban Ontario: A cross-sectional study. Canadian Medical Association Journal Open, 9(4):E1080-E1096. doi: 10.9778/cmajo.20200235 
  • Singh J, Garber G, Keely E, Guglani S, & Liddy C. (2021). Evaluation of an electronic consultation service for Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) care. Annals of Family Medicine, 20(3):220-226. doi: 10.1370/afm.2807  
  • Singh J, Guglani S, Keely E, Garber G, & Liddy C. (2021). The Utilization of an electronic consultation service during the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic. Telemedicine and eHealth, e[Pub]. 
  • Toal-Sullivan D, Lemonde M, Gauthier AP, & Dahrouge S. (2021). Adopting a lay navigator training programme in primary care. Health Education Journal, 80(2), 210–224.

Publications 2020

  • Kiran T, Green ME, DeWit Y, Khan S, Schultz SE, Kopp A, Yeritsyan N, Haj-Ali W, & Glazier RH. (2020). Association of physician payment model and team-based care with timely access in primary care: A population-based cross-sectional study. Canadian Medical Association Journal Open, 8(2), E328-E337. 

Presentations 2024

  • Dolovich, L, Nguyen P, Yasmin, Abdul Aziz, Tadrous Mina, Frymire, Eliot, Avilla, Ernie, Mathers Annalise, Glazier RH, Premji K, Jaakkimainen L, Kiran T, Roberts L, Green ME. Minor Ailments and Pharmacist Management in Ontario: Attachment and Primary Care. Oral presentation. CAHSPR Annual Meeting, Ottawa, Canada, May 2024.
  • Green ME, Nguyen Paul, Frymire Eliot, Premji Kamila, Jaakkimainen Liisa, Kiran Tara, Roberts Lynn, Gozdyra Peter, Glazier RH. Using primary care data to inform expansion of team-based care in Ontario. Oral presentation. CAHSPR Annual Meeting, Ottawa, Canada, May 2024.
  • Ansari, Hina, Glazier, RH, Schultz, Susan, Green, ME, Premji, Kamila, Frymire Eliot, Daneshvarfard Maryam, Jaakkimainen Liisa, Kiran Tara. Family physicians in focused practice in Ontario, Canada: a population-level study of trends from 1993/94 to 2021/22. Oral presentation. CAHSPR Annual Meeting, Ottawa, Canada, May 2024.
  • Premji Kamila, Green ME, Nguyen Paul, Mathews Maria, Bjerre Lise, Turcotte S, St-Amant A, Godfrey L, Fitzsimon Jonathon, Frymire Eliot, Glazier RH. System-level impacts of patients gaining or losing a source of comprehensive primary care. Poster. CAHSPR Annual Meeting, Ottawa, Canada, May 2024.
  • Jaakkimainen Liisa, Frymire Eliot, Premji Kamila, Schultz, Susan, Glazier RH, Bayoumi Imaan, Kiran Tara, Nguyen Paul, Martin Danielle, Green ME. Poster. 24 hours in Ontario’s Healthcare System: The Ecology of Healthcare Services. Poster. CAHSPR Annual Meeting, Ottawa, Canada, May 2024.

Presentations 2023

  • Green ME. Building an enduring primary care policy/research partnership and research network: lessons from Ontario, Canada. Australian Association for Academic Primary Care (AAAPC). Melbourne, Australia. August 17, 2023 [oral]
  • Green ME, Frymire E, Khan S, Premji K, Bayoumi I, Jaakkimainen L, Kiran T, Gozdyra P, Glazier RH.  Primary Care Data Reports: Using Population Level Administrative Data to Inform Policy and Planning in Ontario Health Teams.​ Australian Association for Academic Primary Care (AAAPC). Melbourne, Australia. August 17, 2023 [Poster]
  • Green ME, Glazier RH, Nguyen P, Premji K, Bayoumi I, Jaakkimainen L, Kiran T, Roberts L, Gozdyra P, Frymire E.  Team-based care by Ontario Health Teams: Where are the priority areas?”. Association of Family Health Teams of Ontario (AFHTO). Toronto, Ontario. October 25, 2023. [Poster]
  • Green ME, Glazier RH, Khan S, Nguyen P, Premji K, Bayoumi I, Jaakkimainen L, Kiran T, Roberts L, Gozdyra P, Frymire E. Primary Care Data Reports in Ontario, Canada: Comparing primary care attachment rates from 2020 to 2022. North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG). October 31, 2023. [Oral]
  • Green ME, Glazier RH, Nguyen P, Premji K, Bayoumi I, Jaakkimainen L, Kiran T, Roberts L, Gozdyra P, Frymire E. Primary care access in Ontario, Canada: Geographical patterns of primary care attachment. North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG). November 1, 2023. [Oral]
  • Green ME, Glazier RH, Khan S, Nguyen P, Premji K, Bayoumi I, Jaakkimainen L, Kiran T, Roberts L, Gozdyra P, Frymire E. Primary Care Data Reports in Ontario, Canada: Comparing Primary Care attachment rates from 2020 to 2022. World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA). October 28, 2023. [Oral]
  • Green ME, Frymire E, Glazier RH, Premji K, Bayoumi I, Jaakkimainen L, Kiran T, Roberts L, Gozdyra P, Khan S. Hospitalizations and Emergency department visits among children under 18 years: A snapshot of Primary Care attachment in Ontario, Canada, 2022. World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA). October 29, 2023. [Oral]
  • Gozdyra P, Green ME, Premji K, Bayoumi I, Jaakkimainen L, Kiran T, Roberts L, Frymire E, Lofters A. Geographic disparities in cancer screening rates and their determinants. North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG). November 2, 2023. [Poster]
  • Jaakkimainen L, Premji K, Frymire E, Glazier RH, Nguyen P, Kiran T, Bayoumi I, Green ME. The Ecology of Health Services in Ontario, Canada-2023. World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA). October 27, 2023. [Oral]
  • Jaakkimainen L, Nguyen P, Premji K, Sibley L, Glazier RH, Kiran T, Frymire E, Green M, Martin D. 24 hours in Ontario’s Healthcare System: The Ecology of Healthcare Services. North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG). November 1, 2023. [Poster]
  • Jaakkimainen L, Nguyen P, Premji K, Sibley L, Glazier RH, Bayoumi I, Kiran T, Roberts L, Green ME, Martin D. What care is given to people with chronic diseases in a 24-hour period: Ecology of healthcare services in Ontario, Canada. North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG). November 1, 2023. [Poster]
  • Kerr M, Shuldiner J, Frymire E, Ivers N, Tadrous M, Green ME, Kwong J. Primary care attachment patterns and COVID-19 vaccination uptake in Ontario. North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG). November 1, 2023. [Poster]
  • Lofters A, Green ME, Frymire E, Jaakkimainen L, Premji K, Kiran T, Wu F, Gozdyra P, Glazier R. Linking cancer screening interventions with the data: Intervention recommendations. North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG). November 2, 2023. [Oral]
  • Premji K, Glazier RH, Frymire E, Mathews M, Green ME, Nastos S, Khan S, Ryan B. Pandemic-era trends in patient attachment to an aging comprehensive family physician workforce in Ontario, Canada. North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG). November 1, 2023. [Poster]

Presentations 2022

  • Bayoumi I, Kiran T, Glazier R, Frymire E, Khan S, Premji K, Jaakkimainen L, & Green ME. Trends in attachment to a primary care provider in Ontario 2008-2018: an interrupted time-series analysis. North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) Annual Meeting. Phoenix, USA. November 20, 2022. [Oral] 
  • Green ME, Glazier R, Frymire E, Khan S, Premji K, Bayoumi I, Jaakkimainen L, Kiran T, & Gozdyra P. Using primary care data to inform policy and practice: Implications for primary care HHR needs in Ontario Health Teams. International Population Data Linkage Network (IPDLN) Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland. September 7, 2022. [Oral] 
  • Green ME, Glazier RH, Jaakimainen L, Dahrouge S, Bayoumi I, Khan S, Mathews M, Marshall E, Cossette B, Stock D, Kiran T, Premji K, & Frymire E. How effective are centralized wait lists in attaching patients to a primary care provider? Ontario, Canada: 2011-2021. Health Services Research Association of Australia and New Zealand (HSRAANZ) Conference, Sydney, Australia. November 30, 2022. [Poster] 
  • Green ME, Frymire E, Khan S, Ivers N, Shuldiner J, Kiran T, Tadrous M, Kwong J, & Kerr MV. Primary care attachment patterns and COVID-19 vaccination uptake in Ontario, Canada: Health service implications. Health Services Research Association of Australia and New Zealand (HSRAANZ) Conference, Sydney, Australia. November 30, 2022. [Oral] 
  • Green ME, Jaakkimainen L, Khan S, Glazier R, Premji K, Gozdyra P, Kiran T, Bayoumi I, & Frymire E. Using Primary care data metrics to inform policy and practice: Human Health Resource implications. North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) Annual Meeting, Phoenix, USA. November 21, 2022. [Poster] 
  • Green ME, Jaakkimainen L, Khan S, Premji K, Glazier R, Kiran T, Bayoumi I, Mathews M, Stock D, Marshall EG, & Frymire E. Trends in centralized wait list data for attachment to a primary care provider in Ontario: Health Care Connect: 2011-2021. North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) Annual Meeting, Phoenix, USA. November 21, 2022. [Poster] 
  • Gozdyra P, Green ME, Glazier R, Khan S, Premji K, Bayoumi I, Jaakkimainen L, Kiran T, & Frymire E. Mapping where patients access primary care providers. International Population Data Linkage Network (IPDLN) Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland. September 7, 2022. [Oral]  
  • Gozdyra P, Green ME, Jaakkimainen L, Khan S, Glazier R, Premji K, Kiran T, Bayoumi I, & Frymire E. Mapping patient access to health care services for improved understanding of patient attribution-in Ontario Health Teams. North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) Annual Meeting, Phoenix, USA. November 21, 2022. [Poster] 
  • Gozdyra P, Glazier R, Khan S, Premji K, Bayoumi I, Jaakkimainen L, Kiran T, Frymire E, & Green ME. Spatial distribution of OHT patients and their geographic accessibility to hospitals. Trillium Primary Health Care Research Day, Toronto, Ontario. October 14, 2022. [Oral] 
  • Howard M, Wu F, Kiran T, Frymire E, Lapointe-Shaw L, Jaakkimainen L, Green ME, & Glazier R. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on continuity of care with Ontario family physicians. North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) Annual Meeting, Phoenix, USA. November 21, 2022. [Oral] 
  • Kerr MV, Ivers N, Khan S, Frymire E, Shuldiner J, Kiran T, Tadrous M, Kwong J, & Green ME. The impact of primary care attachment patterns on COVID-19 vaccination uptake in Ontario. Trillium Primary Care Research Day, Toronto, Ontario. October 15, 2022. [Oral] 
  • Kerr MV, Frymire E, Khan S, Kiran T, Shuldiner J, & Green ME. The impact of primary care attachment patterns on COVID-19 vaccination uptake in Ontario. North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) Annual Meeting, Phoenix, USA. November 21, 2022. [Poster] 
  • Kiran T, Glazier R, Strauss R, Green ME, Wu F, & Lapointe-Shaw L. Are virtual visits in primary care associated with more emergency department use? North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) Annual Meeting, Phoenix, USA. November 19, 2022. [Oral] 
  • Kiran T, Green ME, Wu F, Strauss R, Gozdyra P, Kopp A, Latifovic L, Frymire E, & Glazier R. Are virtual care visits in primary care associated with more emergency department use? Health Services Research Association of Australia and New Zealand (HSRAANZ) Conference, Sydney, Australia. November 30, 2022. [Oral] 
  • Premji K, Green ME, Khan S, Glazier R, Schultz S, Mathews M, Nastos S, Frymire E, & Ryan BL. Who will be left behind? The anticipated impacts of an aging family physician workforce on primary care patients and physicians in Ontario. Trillium Primary Health Care Research Day, Toronto, Ontario. October 15, 2022. [Oral] 
  • Premji K, Ryan B, Frymire E, Khan S, Schultz S, Green ME, Glazier R, Nastos S, & Mathews M. Who will be left behind? The anticipated impacts of an aging family physician workforce on primary care patients in Ontario. North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) Annual Meeting, Phoenix, USA. November 21, 2022. [Poster] 
  • Shuldiner J, Nowak D, Ivers N, Lofters A, Kiran T, Kaplan D, Taljaard M, & Green ME. Practice facilitation for family physicians to contact patients unvaccinated for COVID-19: A process evaluation. North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) Annual Meeting, Phoenix, USA. November 20, 2022. [Oral] 
  • Slater M, Alden M, Kemp C, Young A, Morrison K, Green ME, Bell M, Tranmer J, Galica J, Grady C, & Roy A. Evaluation of real-time collection of patient-reported experience to support continuous improvement. Trillium Primary Health Care Research Day, Toronto, Ontario. October 15, 2022. [Oral]  
  • Slater M, Roy A, Kemp K, Grady C, Green ME, & Morrison K. Evaluation of real-time collection of patient-reported experience to support continuous improvement. North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) Annual Meeting, Phoenix, USA. November 19, 2022. [Poster] 
  • Schieck C, Schieck J, Khan S, Green ME, Roberts L, Frymire E, & Schieck D. Primary care attachment and Emergency Department Visits: Should everyone be attached? Trillium Primary Health Care Research Day, Toronto, Ontario. October 15, 2022. [Poster] 
  • Schieck J, Schieck C, Khan S, Green M, Roberts L, Frymire E, & Schieck D. Family Health Teams in Ontario: Is everyone receiving equal care? Trillium Primary Health Care Research Day, Toronto, Ontario. October 15, 2022. [Poster] 

Media 2024

Media 2023



  1. Butt DA, Stephenson E, Kalia S, Moineddin R, Tu K. (2023). Patient visits and prescriptions for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder from 2017-2021: Impacts of COVID-19 pandemic in primary care. PLoS One. 2023 Mar 13;18(3):e0281307. . PMID: 36913355; PMCID: PMC10010552.  
  1. Lees J, Theal R, Barber D, Herman C. (2023). Considerations for Creating a Restricted Data Environment with Complete Primary Care Electronic Medical Record Data. Ann Fam Med. 2023 Jan 1;(21 Suppl 1). . PMID: 36972526. 
  1. Mangin D, Lamarche L, Oliver D, Blackhouse G, Bomze S, Borhan S, Carr T, Clark R, Datta J, Dolovich L, Gaber J, Forsyth P, Howard M, Marentette-Brown S, Risdon C, Talat S, Tarride JÉ, Thabane L, Valaitis R, Price D. (2023). Health TAPESTRY Ontario: A Multi-Site Randomized Controlled Trial Testing Implementation and Reproducibility. Ann Fam Med. 2023 Mar-Apr;21(2):132-142. . PMID: 36973055; PMCID: PMC10042555. 
  1. Meaney C, Moineddin R, Kalia S, Aliarzadeh B, Greiver M. (2022). Using Primary Care Clinical Text Data and Natural Language Processing to Identify Indicators of COVID-19 in Toronto, Canada. PLOS Digit Health. 2022 Dec 7;1(12):e0000150. . PMID: 36812606; PMCID: PMC9931279.  
  1. O’Neill, B., Kalia, S., Hum, S. et al. (2022). Socioeconomic and immigration status and COVID-19 testing in Toronto, Ontario: retrospective cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health 22, 1067.  
  1. Selick A, Durbin J, Hamdani Y, Rayner J, Lunsky Y. (2022). Accessibility of Virtual Primary Care for Adults With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Qualitative Study. JMIR Form Res. 2022 Aug 22;6(8):e38916. . PMID: 35951444; PMCID: PMC9400841. 
  1. Stephenson E, O’Neill B, Kalia S, Ji C, Crampton N, Butt DA, Tu K. (2022). Effects of COVID-19 pandemic on anxiety and depression in primary care: A retrospective cohort study. J Affect Disord. 2022 Apr 15;303:216-222. . Epub 2022 Feb 6. PMID: 35139415; PMCID: PMC8818125.  
  1. Stephenson E, Tu K, Ji C, Butt , Crampton N, Gronsbell J, O’Neill B. (2022). Effects of COVID-19 pandemic on anxiety and depression in primary care: A cohort study in Ontario, Canada. Ann Fam Med. 2022 Apr 1;20(20 Suppl 1). . PMID: 35947415. 
  1. Stephenson E, Yusuf A, Gronsbell J, Tu K, Melamed O, Mitiku T, Selby P, O’Neill B. (2022). Disruptions in Primary Care among People with Schizophrenia in Ontario, Canada, During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Can J Psychiatry. 2022 Nov 30:7067437221140384. . Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36453004; PMCID: PMC9720063. 
  1. Tu K, Sarkadi Kristiansson R, Gronsbell J, de Lusignan S, Flottorp S, Goh LH, Hallinan CM, Hoang U, Kang SY, Kim YS, Li Z, Ling ZJ, Manski-Nankervis JA, Ng APP, Pace WD, Wensaas KA, Wong WC, Stephenson E; INTRePID. (2022). Changes in primary care visits arising from the COVID-19 pandemic: an international comparative study by the International Consortium of Primary Care Big Data Researchers (INTRePID). BMJ Open. 2022 May 9;12(5):e059130. . PMID: 35534063; PMCID: PMC9086267.  
  1. Stephenson E, Butt DA, Gronsbell J, Ji C, O’Neill B, Crampton N, Tu K. (2021). Changes in the top 25 reasons for primary care visits during the COVID-19 pandemic in a high-COVID region of Canada. PLoS One. 2021 Aug 12;16(8):e0255992. . PMID: 34383844; PMCID: PMC8360367. 
  1. Stephenson E, O’Neill B, Gronsbell J, Butt DA, Crampton N, Ji C, Kalia S, Meaney C, Tu K. (2021). Changes in family medicine visits across sociodemographic groups after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ontario: a retrospective cohort study. CMAJ Open. 2021 Jun 15;9(2):E651-E658. . PMID: 34131028; PMCID: PMC8248562  
  1. Wintemute K, Noor M, Bhatt A, Bloch G, Arackal S, Kalia S, Aliarzadeh B, La Tona S, Lo J, Pinto AD, Greiver M. (2021). Implementation of targeted screening for poverty in a large primary care team in Toronto, Canada: a feasibility study. BMC Fam Pract. 2021 Sep 30;22(1):194. . PMID: 34592935; PMCID: PMC8483428.  


  1. Ashcroft R, Donnelly C, Adamson K, Lam S, Hussain A, Rayner J, Mehta K, Sur D, Sheffield P, Feryn N, & Brown J. An Examination of Social Work Practice in Primary Care Teams across Ontario – A Mixed-Methods Study. NAPCRG Annual Meeting, Phoenix, USA. November 21, 2022. [Poster]  
  1. Bhatti S, Bale S, & Rainer J. Using learning collaborative teams to address the cancer-screening backlog due to COVID-19. Trillium Primary Care Research Day. Toronto, Ontario. October 14, 2022. [Poster]  
  1. Bhatti S, Rayner J, Bale S. ALLIANCE, Alliance for Healthier Communities. NAPCRG Practice-Based Research Network Conference. June 2, 2022.  
  1. Greiver M, Beckles M, Lawson J, Rayner J, & Green M. POPLAR, the Primary care Ontario Practice-based Learning and Research Network. NAPCRG Practice-Based Research Network (PBRN) Conference. Bethesda, USA. June 3, 2022. 
  1. Greiver M, Lawson J, Rayner J, Frymire E, Beckles M, & Green ME. POPLAR, the Primary Care Ontario Practice-Based Learning and Research Network. Health Services Research Association of Australia and New Zealand (HSRAANZ) Conference, Sydney, Australia. November 30, 2022. [Poster] 
  1. Greiver M, Lizotte D, Seth P, Alarakhia M, Gronsbell J, Terry A, & Kavanagh D. Intelligent automation to improve chronic disease identification and coding in primary care: A Learning Health System approach. NAPCRG Annual Meeting. Phoenix, USA.  November 21, 2022. [Poster] 
  1. Greiver M, Rayner J, Beckles M, & Green ME. POPLAR, the Primary care Ontario Practice-based Learning and Research Network. NAPCRG Annual Meeting, Phoenix, USA. November 21, 2022. [Poster] 
  1. Kueper J, Rayner J, Zwarenstein M, & Lizotte D. Using epidemiology and artificial intelligence to describe a complex primary care population in a learning health system. NAPCRG Annual Meeting, Phoenix, USA. November 19, 2022. [Oral] 
  1. Musa R, Greiver M, O’Brien P, Froentjes L, Wang J, Goulet D, & Dahrouge S. SPIDER, A Structured Process Informed by Data, Evidence and Research-Network: expansion of the trial. NAPCRG Practice-Based Research Network (PBRN) Conference, Bethesda, USA. June 3, 2022.  
  1. Rayner J & Pham J. Equity, Community and Trust: Building vaccine confidence with marginalized populations. NAPCRG Annual Meeting, Phoenix, USA. November 19, 2022. [Poster]  
  1. Shuldiner J, Kim S, Ivers N, Greiver M, Kiran T, Thai K, & Cadotte A. Developing an Audit and Feedback dashboard for family physicians: a user-centered design process. NAPCRG Annual Meeting, Phoenix, USA. November 21, 2022. [Oral]