Browse the new Attachment by Forward Sortation Area (FSA*) Map
(Brought to you by INSPIRE-PHC)
*Geographical unit using first 3 characters of Canadian postal code
This INSPIRE-PHC Primary Health Care map was produced to assist Ontario Health Teams, team based care organizations, and other partners who are seeking to prioritize attachment strategies at the OHT, FHT and CHC level.
Click below to download the FSA by attachment status for all adults and children in 2020 and 2022!
Determining your FSA with Google Maps
Open Google Maps
Open the Google Maps website on your computer or open the Google Maps app on your mobile device.
Enter the First Three Characters of Your Postal Code Into The Search Bar
The first three characters (in letter, number, letter format) of your postal code will help Google Maps determine your FSA. Click on the search bar located in the top left corner of your screen (red box in the image below), enter the three digits and hit enter. For example, the first three digits of the address 123 Main Street, K7L 0B1, City, Country would be “K7L”.
FSA Outline
After entering the first three characters of your postal code, Google Maps will produce an image with your residing FSA outlined in red. Refer to the image below where the example three characters “K7L” resided with the Kingston FSA.